Technology Leadership: PLNs, Vision & PD
This is curriculum developed by Wesley Fryer and Karen Montgomery for a 1.5 day workshop for school administrators in Missoula, Montana. (Presentation slides available as a PDF - 3.3 MB)
Much of the world has gone digital, so must learning at school. Creativity is vital, and good leadership matters. Stagnant, accomodation-level technology integration makes technology investments in our schools a waste of money. School leaders can and should encourage teachers to use digital learning tools in transformative ways to open new doors of opportunity for students as well as parents. By focusing on creating, communicating / sharing, and collaborating, principals can help develop a shared instructional vocabulary with teachers which is focused on student engagement. Without creation, there can be no creativity. How will you let your students create? How will you give students choices? How will your students teach the curriculum? These are essential questions to ask together with teachers, as we seek to effectively (and legally) "talk with media / pictures" and leverage the constructive power of digital media tools for learning inside and outside the classroom
Connections: Build PLNs
Vision: Explore Digitally Informed Technology Leadership
PD: Experience Transformative Professional Development Models
Link for today:
Thursday Jan 27, 2011
Morning: The Call to Change
Introduction: Digital Vision in a Bubblesheet World
Intro to Twitter and #mtvision backchannel
How to Setup a Twitter Account (Screenr Screencast)
Did You Know 4.0 (Oct 2009)
Afternoon: Strategies for Change
Rob Reynolds on Google Apps, Forms, Walkthroughs - Using Google forms for Dynamic Data
Building PLNs
Talk with Media
Screencasts (Screenr)
Group Project Work
Option 1: #digitalvision2011 challenge (sample video scavenger hunt activity)
Option 2: Tell a Story in 5 Photos (email 5 photos attached to the same email to
Friday Jan 28, 2011 (morning only)
Blended Professional Development: A Transformative Model
Group Project Work
Project Sharing
Next Steps
PLN Resources
Subscribe to People Instead of Magazines (Sheryl Nussbaum Beach)
Spezify (visual digital footprint search)
Leadership Resources
PD Resources
Making the Case for 1:1 & Blended Learning
National Educational Technology Plan (Nov 2010)
National Educational Technology Standards
Project RED (1:1 Research)
1:1 Support Organizations
AALF - Anywhere, Anytime Learning Foundation
MICDL - Maine International Center for Digital Learning
Let's Build a Filter (Clip from Apollo 13)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License by Wesley Fryer and Karen Montgomery. Learn more on