Screencasting Assignment
Sign up for a screencasting topic.
You must pick a unique topic which no one else in our class is addressing / doing.
Bonus points will be awarded for screencasts about doing different things in Scratch!
Create a free account on Twitter. (You do NOT have to use your real name for the account, you can use an alias / anonymous screenname. Consider creating an account you will use professionally.)
Use Screenr (login with your Twitter account) to create a screencast explaining how to do something online which someone else who has not taken our T4T class this term probably doesn't know how to do.
Post your Screenr screencast, using both the direct link to the screencast as well as the video embed code, to your T4T blog.
Sample student Screencasts from last semester: Make a custom Google Map and Make a PowerPoint with 20 Photos Fast
DUE DATE: Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 11:55 pm
Use this Quiz on our Moodle to turn in your blog post!