Constructive Commenting with Social Media

Digital Citizenship is a vital topic to discuss with students. Watch the short video, "RE: Cry of the Dolphins" and think about the importance of WORDS.

Please consider these guidelines when composing and sharing comments on social media websites, including student blogs.

    1. Words are Powerful: Do not underestimate the power of your words to build up or tear down. Use your power responsibly and thoughtfully.

    2. Comments are Rare: There are far more "lurkers" online than active social media commenters, especially on blogs. Remember "your voice" may be one of the few a writer / author / publisher hears and listens to.

    3. Sandwich Constructive Criticism: If you are going to offer a critique or criticism of someone else's ideas or work, try to "sandwich" your critique with some positive feedback as well.

    4. Be honest, authentic and real: Do not make stuff up when you write comments. Genuine feedback is valuable, artificial/fake information or comments are worthless for everyone.

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