14 April 2010: Petcha Kutcha Presentations and Phonecasting
1- Overview
Today we will learn how to create a Petcha Kutcha presentation (20 slides shown for 20 seconds) using the FlickrStorm, PowerPoint, Google Docs, Drop.io and SlideShare.
2- Lesson
Introductory Topics
T4T Grades
Petcha Kutcha
Select 20 images / photos using FlickrStorm (save the URL / website)
Build your presentation:
Download those 20 images to a folder on your computer.
Create a new PowerPoint with all 20 images (Insert-Pictures-Photo Album. You can select as many files as you want from your folders.)
Include a final credits slide, with your name and a tinyurl.com link to your FlickrStorm images page
Upload your presentation to Google Docs (as a Google Presentation) - Make sure you save your PowerPoint as a PPT 2003-2007 file - Google Docs does not like .pptx files!
3- Assignments
OPTION A: You can EITHER present your Petcha Kutcha presentation LIVE in class during week 14 or 15. You might SIGN UP for 1 of 10 slots using this Google Spreadsheet!
OPTION B: You can record audio for your Petcha Kutcha presentation and upload both your slides AND audio (which you will need to sync) to SlideShare.
In either case, you will need to:
Share your Google Presentation with the world (under SHARING)
Create a blog post on your T4T blog, in which you:
Describe in several sentences why you selected your Petcha Kutcha Topic
Link to your Petcha Kutcha presentation
Embed your Petcha Kutcha presentation as a Google Presentation
If you choose OPTION B above, you will ALSO need to embed your SlideShare Slidecast on your blog post.
Submit your Quarterly Checkup Quiz 3.
Submit your Petcha Kutcha Presentation Quiz. (link to your post)
4- Resources
Petcha Kutcha (WikiPedia article)
Drop.io/phone (for phonecasting - recording optional audio for a SlideShare Slidecast) - example file
5- Review
Content licensed
by Wesley Fryer and Karen Montgomery