
17 February 2010: Search, Research, and Aggregators (Digital Newspapers)


1- Overview

Effectively and critically searching the Internet is a vital skill for 21st century learners. Studies show most students tend to perform simple keyword searches on Google and never go beyond the first or second page of search results. Today we will explore a variety of Internet search options, and learn how to use an aggregator as a digital newspaper.

2- Lesson

    1. Welcome to our wired world: ..." 8- to 18-year-olds are spending more than 50 hours a week with digital media." (1:24 - PBS digital_nation)

    2. Old School, New School (4:35 - PBS digital_nation)

    3. Review anonymous course feedback results, share course modifications

    4. Our Learning Expectations

    5. Quarterly Checkup Quiz 1 update

    6. Scribe blog update

    7. VoiceThread Assignment Update:

      1. Write a new post on your T4T blog and include the LINK to your VoiceThread and an EMBEDDED version of your VoiceThread digital story.

      2. Optional: If you wrote a book review evaluation / VoiceThread, join the "Great Book Stories" wiki and add your link on the "Listen and See" page.

    8. Google Search Tools and Options (curriculum from the 15 November 2009 Google Workshop for Educators in Austin, Texas)

Google Presentation
Google Presentation
    1. Introduction to Google Reader

    2. Create a Google Reader account and subscribe to:

3- Assignments

    1. Take Elective Mini-Project 1 Quiz in WebCT (Submit link to your VoiceThread digital story)

    1. K-12 Student blog feedback:

      1. Select an active classroom blog (using the classroom blog finder) that you would like to serve as an informal "blogging buddy" this term for.

      2. Write at least 2 constructive feedback post on student blog posts following our feedback rubric (save these links because you'll need them later!

      3. Add the link to your student blog comment to your Diigo account, tagging it "t4t-sbc" (without quotation marks - sbc = student blog comment

4- Resources

  1. SearchResearch blog

    1. New Tools Workshop by Joyce Valenza

  2. 15 Videos included in eHow: How to Use Google Reader: Video Series

5- Review

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