
Technology for Teachers (T4T) is a required course for pre-service education majors at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, In Spring 2010,Wesley Fryer is teaching two sections of this course (IME-3312-0 62 and IME-3312-0 63) which meet on Wednesday mornings, 11 Jan - 7 May 2010. The following course materials have been and are being developed independently by Wesley Fryer, in alignment with the "Powerful Ingredients for Blended Learning" writing project. Like those materials, these resources are licensed

by Wesley Fryer and Karen Montgomery. If you have questions regarding this curriculum or reusing it for your own course(s) please contact Wesley.

All instructional materials for this course (with the exception of the Intel CD, which is provided as a free, physical CD) are provided electronically and free. Think before printing. :-)

THE INSTRUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES AND UPDATES TO THE ONLINE CURRICULUM FOR THIS COURSE.Subscribe and monitor course communication tools (addressed in the course overview) to stay updated on changes and additions.

Receive a link to these course materials via SMS (cell phone text messaging)

Use this shortened URL to access this website: http://tinyurl.com/t4t2010 or simply Google "powerful ingredients."